Pharma Strategy Blog

Commentary on Pharma & Biotech Oncology / Hematology New Product Development

It’s that time of year again and boy, does the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) come round all too quickly! It’s almost like Battime, Batplace…

As usual, I’ll be aggregating the conference tweets using the official #asco11 hashtag, so that all of you not going to the event can follow along remotely – do feel free to join in the conversation and ask questions or post comments using #asco11 on Twitter:



This widget will run for the duration of ASCO until close of play on Wednesday, so do check back regularly for new tweets and conversation!

Next Thursday, I’ll be at the European Hematology Association (EHA) meeting in London, so a new tweet aggregator will be added then.

2 Responses to “Aggregating the ASCO 2011 tweets”

  1. Manmeet Kaur

    This is valuable: ASCO 2011 Post Conference Twitter Analysis

    • maverickny

      Thanks for posting the link, Manmeet.  However, that’s a rather strange analysis, with some oddities in it.  For example, on page 11, you have have several drugs mixed or repeated:

      – Zytiga appears on it’s own and also with Alpharadin
      – Bevacizumab appears with Abraxane, but again with ipilimumab 
      – Axitinib appears on it’s own and again with Aromasin (2 very different drugs in different tumour types)


      Are you saying that the sentiments appear both singularly and with the other compound you mention?

      Also, Avastin is mentioned as the most buzzed drug at the conference, but having been there in person and also following the tweets regularly, I hardly noticed it at all.  Of course, there was some mention of the OCEANS data, even though it was a little disappointing, but it didn’t stand out to me as the most tweeted data at all.  That honour should surely go to vemurafenib in BRAF mutated metastatic melanomas, which was clearly the most talked about drug at the meeting.

      I’ll take a look at the data I collected from the event and see what I can come up with.

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