Over the last couple of months I've had a few grumbles from readers suggesting that the 13pt font was too small on the screen or the blog text in the emails was miniscule.

I've played around with the theme a bit and it seems the default goes from 13pt to 16pt, which for me as a scientist used to reading tiny text in journal papers is a bit like shouting, but we'll see what happens.

Over the next few months you'll see some UI and UX changes as we move from Typepad to WordPress for blog hosting.  I've resisted the move some time as I'm one of those people who aren't really interested in the nerdy bits inside the engine, preferring to set up a theme and just blog rather than fiddle with the innards.

Still, we are planning to evolve Pharma Strategy Blog with new services such as monthly newsletters and more extensive cancer reports that you can purchase, in addition to the daily snippets here on the blog. Setting up a commercial service is much easier and more professional in WordPress (WP), so that is pretty much driving the decision to move along with other cool tools such as Disqus and Backtype, which don't play at all well on the Typepad platform.

Converting the posts (over 700 of them along with comments) is not going to be easy by all accounts, especially transferring the precise urls, so you may see some old posts reappear in Twitter or the RSS feed as we convert them from the old Typepad Oncochat url to the Pharma Strategy Blog one before the move to WP. We do appreciate you patience during the transition to our new home.

A number of you have asked how to find old posts.

The Archives section has been added to the right hand column, which is useful if you can remember when (approximate month) it was posted or you can browse for anything interesting. Alternatively, the Lijit search widget on the right works like Google – you just type in what you're looking for and it will produce a list of posts on that specific topic if it has been covered.

If you have any other ideas or suggestions that you would like to see here, please add them in the comments.