Social Pharma, AACR and SCIP all at once!
For all the Pharma peeps like me who couldn't make it to Boston for Shwen Gwee's Unconference on Social Pharma (Social Media in Pharma) you can follow his tweets and those of anyone else at the meeting in the widget below or use Twitter search to follow the #SocPharm hashtag easily in your web app.
What a week! I'm still in Denver, CO for the American Association of Cancer Research meeting (#AACR), which you can follow in the blog post widget further down the page. It's an exciting meeting – mTOR, HDAC and biomarkers are the hot topics at this years annual meeting. More on those later when I get time to write some more detailed posts about the the data.
It's triple play week and the other big conference happening at the same time is the Society of Competitive Intelligence annual meeting in Chicago. You can follow that meeting using #scip or #scip09. I'll be posting a CoverItLive widget for easy tracking of that event in a moment.
Meanwhile, do join in remotely and ask @shwen questions about social media in pharma – just remember to use the #socpharm tag in your tweets to make it easy for people to follow all the conversations.
<p><p><a href="" >Social Pharmer</a></p></p>
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