AACR Molecular Diagnostics conference, Denver, CO
This week I'll be at the AACR conference on Molecular Diagnostics, which promises to be an interesting and informative meeting if it lives up to it's lofty goals:
"This meeting will explore the promise of this biologically based approach to therapeutic development and clinical investigations, review the current state of accomplishments in these areas, and discuss solutions to some of the challenges as well as the resulting future advancements."
You can find out more about the program here.
If you're at the meeting, do say hello and introduce yourself, I'm looking forward to catching up with old friends and meet some new people too.
Watch out for some synopses and summaries from the meeting here on the blog later this week.
Meanwhile, if you have any burning questions, please feel free to add them in the comments below or email me directly and I'll do my best to answer.