Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change
So here we are in 2009 and it's time for the annual blog action day where thousands of people write about a cause and hope for change, or at least, conversation. This year the topic is climate change. When it was first announced, my first thoughts were to wonder how on earth this important topic could be incorporated into a blog about pharma strategy and cancer biology?
First things first, though.
One of my favourite blogs about this topic is GreenMonk and you can also follow the enigmatic Tom Raftery on Twitter. GreenMonk not only writes a great blog but also offers advisory services to help a range of organisations
better understand how sustainability issues will affect them. They provide a lot of useful tips and ideas that even small businesses and consulting companies like Icarus can learn from. After a post from them a while ago challenging us why did we need to print things out all the time, I ditched the fax machine and bought a desktop scanner and reduced the amount of paper needed both ends in one fell swoop. It also makes for much better archiving and search abilities from a business perspective, quite aside from the 'green' aspect.
Still, there are some things that will never change, just like the dinosaurs until extinction threatens.
Three of the least adaptive and flexible organisations I've ever come across are big Pharma companies, BIO, the biotechnology industry organisation and the FDA. Whether you're a pterydactyl or a T.rex, it really doesn't matter; things only change when the major climatic shifts force adaptation instead of constant hand wringing, or even worse, seeming obliviousness in the face of the obvious. Biotechnology companies are smaller, nimbler, more innovative and much more open to new technology, new ideas and risk taking, which is where much of the new pipeline shelves will be stocked from.
Ah well, meanwhile I'll get on with my research and watch the social media and Google Waves drive greater customer service and engagement in small pockets; the question is who will be smarter and faster in the battle of the giants to win the hearts and minds of customers in the new media age?