ASCO Breast Cancer Symposium 2011
Today brings us the annual American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) breast cancer symposium from San Francisco.
Sadly I’m not attending due to other commitments, but there will likely be a number of people there who will be tweeting the event. The official hashtag #BCS11 so it seemed a great opportunity to keep track of them for everyone interested in easily reading them all in one place.
You can click on the conference widget below at any time and follow the conversation from attendees and those remote from San Francisco:
I’m not expecting any earth shattering or breaking news on the therapy and new product development pipeline front (based only on the presentation titles), although some interesting discussions may evolve on more immediate and practical aspects from the program, such as:
- latest mammography analysis from Sweden
- prognostic value of PET/CT in metastatic breast cancer
- circulating tumour cells in breast cancer
- nomogram predicts lymphedema risk in breast cancer.
For those interested, the breast cancer symposium abstracts are now available and searchable online.